Bħas-snin li għaddew, ġiet imnedija l-kampanja ta’ Naħseb Fik li permezz tagħha, il-pubbliku jkun jista’ jaqta’ xewqet l-anzjani, persuni bi bżonnijiet speċjali u tfal morda.
Din il-kampanja ġiet maħluqa sabiex in-nies ikunu jistgħu jagħmlu ġest sabiħ billi joħolqu tbissima fuq min ikun inqas fortunat matul iż-żmien tal-Milied. Idħol fuq biex tara x-xewqat ta’ dawn in-nies u tkun taf kif inti tista’ tgħin biex tferraħ lil ħaddieħor dan il-Milied.
The Naħseb Fik campaign has launched once again so that the public can grant the wishes of the elderly, persons with disabilities and sick children.
This campaign was created so that people could give a nice gesture by creating a smile on the faces of those who are less fortunate during the Christmas season. Visit to find out what these people wish for this Christmas and bring them that holiday cheer.