Feature Fontana


Se tiġi mtellgħa s-sitt edizzjoni tal-Feature Awdjoviżiv fejn fih se jiġi mxandar dokumentarju storiku dwar l-istatwa titulari tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, f’għeluq il-mitt sena minn meta nħadmet mill-istatwarju Wistin Camilleri. Il-muntaġġ ta’ dan il-feature ġie maħdum b’mod professjonali fl-istudios ta’ CVC Media.


On the centenary of its creation by the acclaimed artist Wistin Camilleri, this upcoming production shall showcase a compelling historical documentary centred around the iconic Sacred Heart of Jesus statue. The editing and assembly of this feature was executed professionally in the studios of CVC media.

Event Info

June 17, 2023 11:45 pm

Location: Fontana Parvis