
Lejla Ghawdxija
Lejla Ghawdxija
Lejla Għawdxija hija attività li fiha se nsawru t-tagħrif ta’ żminijietna kif ukoll nżommu ħaj dawk il-karatteristiċi sbieħ li jagħmluna...
Spectacular Big Band Concert
Spectacular Big Band Concert
Il-Banda San Girgor se tkun qed ittellgħa l-kunċert sinfoniku annwali tagħha bl-isem ‘Spectacular’ Big Band Concert fi Pjazza Orvieto, Ta’...
Ħondoq by Night
Ħondoq by Night
Don’t miss an unforgettable event showcasing local artists in the stunning setting of Ħondoq Bay. Immerse yourself in the beauty...
Gozo Pops & Rocks 2023
Gozo Pops & Rocks 2023
Enjoy Music, Art, Fun and Talent happening from the 27th May till the 18th of June 2023 around Gozo.  
Big Band Adventures 2023
Big Band Adventures 2023
Nadur’s Mnarja Philharmonic Band will be holding its June Annual Symphonic Concert entitled ‘Big Band Adventures’ at St Peter and...
Leone Goes Pop 14th Edition
Leone Goes Pop 14th Edition
Back in the year 2008, the Leone Band dared to venture where no other civic band had ever gone before:...
One of Gozo’s main springtime music events featuring Victoria’s La Stella Band and a selection of top local artists. This...
The Philosophy of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon
The Philosophy of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon
– Title of the talk: The Philosophy of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon – Speaker: Ian Rizzo –...
Gaulitana: A Festival of Music
Gaulitana: A Festival of Music
Gaulitana: A Festival of Music returns in April, as the month-long cultural bonanza transforms Gozo. Defined as “a major festival...
Granados meets Dvořák
Granados meets Dvořák
GRANADOS MEETS DVOŘÁK HALÍŘ TRIO Piano Trio – Czech Republic Ministry for Gozo Hall, Victoria The Piano Trio boasts multiple...
Guitars along the Centuries
Guitars along the Centuries
GUITARS ALONG THE CENTURIES SEIS CUERDAS DOS Guitar Duo – Italy St Anthony of Padova Church, Għajnsielem In the picturesque...
EXTRAVAGANZA TOM DE BEUCKELAER Piano – Belgium Kempinski Hotel, San Lawrenz Considered as one of the best pianists of his...