
Easter … a Musical Celebration – Concert 2023
Easter … a Musical Celebration – Concert 2023
Malti Il-Fondazzjoni Santa Ċeċilja ta’ Għawdex sejra ttellgħa kunċert marbut maż-żmien l-Għid bit-tema ‘Easter… a musical celebration’. Kunċert li ser...
Joseph Vella Celebratory Concert
Joseph Vella Celebratory Concert
English The Laudate Pueri Choir of St George’s Basilica, Victoria, is once again organising a series of activities to both...
Don Bosco Grand Concert 2023
Don Bosco Grand Concert 2023
Malti The Gozo Youth Wind Band & Orchestra will once again be presenting the annual Don Bosco Grand Concert. The...
In the Name of Love
In the Name of Love
Malti It-tieni edizzjoni tal-kunċert “In the Name of Love” se jkun imżewwaq b’mużika u atmosfera romantika. Il-kantanti Gabriella u Remy,...
You are invited to the fourth instalment of ‘GĦAWDEX INĦOBBOK CONCERT’! Following a two year absence, it’s time to return...
Festive Rock and Pop at the Astra
Festive Rock and Pop at the Astra
FESTIVE Rock and Pop at the ASTRA brings to a close Christmas events in Gozo with a blast. From the...
Iċċelebra l-imħabba b’mod differenti. L’Amour ser tinkludi kummiedja romantika b’attur ewlieni, u ser tkun relatata mal-imħabba. Il-kummiedja romantika bl-isem ta’...
A New Year’s Toast
A New Year’s Toast
Malti Il-Kor Gaulitanus jibda mużikalment l-Ewwel tas-Sena b’kunċert. F’atmosfera li tixraq din l-okkażjoni,il-kor se jippreżenta repertorju vast u enerġetiku.Il-kor, is-solisti...
O Magnum Mysterium
O Magnum Mysterium
O Magnum Mysterium – The Grand Christmas Concert (schola cantorum jubilate) Well-known for its unique concert experiences, Schola Cantorum Jubilate...
Incarnatus Est
Incarnatus Est
Kunċert tal-Milied mill-Kor Voci Angeliche flimkien mal-Cordia String Quartet and Friends imtella’ mill-Kunsill Lokali tax-Xagħra.   A concert by Voci...
It’s A Brassy Christmas – 2nd Edition
It’s A Brassy Christmas – 2nd Edition
Malti Kunċert mill-BrassTubes ensemble fejn se jwasslu l-ispirtu ferrieħi tal-Milied b’għażla ta’ siltiet mużikali li jvarjaw minn għanjiet tradizzjonali tal-Milied...
Incarnatus – A Christmas Concert
Incarnatus – A Christmas Concert
Malti Kunċert tal-Milied mill-Kor Voci Angeliche flimkien mal-Cordia String Quartet and Friends imtella’ mill- Kunsill Lokali tax-Xagħra. English A concert...