Saint Patricks Day – Ghajnsielem Music Festival
Malti Iċċelebra magħna l-Festa ta’ Jum San Patrizju grazzi għall-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Music Festival f’Għajnsielem! Se jkun hemm lista ta’ bands...
The Sound of Music
The inspirational story based on the memoir of Maria Augusta Trapp, follows an ebullient postulant who serves as governess to...
Beethoven 4 Brahms
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra returns to Gozo for an evening of symphonic music by Beethoven and Brahms. The MPO directed...
Easter … a Musical Celebration – Concert 2023
Malti Il-Fondazzjoni Santa Ċeċilja ta’ Għawdex sejra ttellgħa kunċert marbut maż-żmien l-Għid bit-tema ‘Easter… a musical celebration’. Kunċert li ser...
Joseph Vella Celebratory Concert
English The Laudate Pueri Choir of St George’s Basilica, Victoria, is once again organising a series of activities to both...
Don Bosco Grand Concert 2023
Malti The Gozo Youth Wind Band & Orchestra will once again be presenting the annual Don Bosco Grand Concert. The...
In the Name of Love
Malti It-tieni edizzjoni tal-kunċert “In the Name of Love” se jkun imżewwaq b’mużika u atmosfera romantika. Il-kantanti Gabriella u Remy,...
You are invited to the fourth instalment of ‘GĦAWDEX INĦOBBOK CONCERT’! Following a two year absence, it’s time to return...
Festive Rock and Pop at the Astra
FESTIVE Rock and Pop at the ASTRA brings to a close Christmas events in Gozo with a blast. From the...
Iċċelebra l-imħabba b’mod differenti. L’Amour ser tinkludi kummiedja romantika b’attur ewlieni, u ser tkun relatata mal-imħabba. Il-kummiedja romantika bl-isem ta’...
A New Year’s Toast
Malti Il-Kor Gaulitanus jibda mużikalment l-Ewwel tas-Sena b’kunċert. F’atmosfera li tixraq din l-okkażjoni,il-kor se jippreżenta repertorju vast u enerġetiku.Il-kor, is-solisti...
O Magnum Mysterium
O Magnum Mysterium – The Grand Christmas Concert (schola cantorum jubilate) Well-known for its unique concert experiences, Schola Cantorum Jubilate...