
Bull – by Mike Bartlett
Bull – by Mike Bartlett
Ringside Theatre Company is thrilled to announce that fringe theatre is now in Gozo! RTC’s A-side company will be presenting...
Il-Wegħda tal-Milied
Il-Wegħda tal-Milied
A Christmas play, written and directed by Mark Azzopardi. Delve into the captivating story of the clashes between a parish...
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang live on stage at the Don Bosco Oratory Victoria.
Gozo Film Festival 2023
Gozo Film Festival 2023
Don’t miss the three-day film festival that celebrates both local and international filmmakers. This exciting event offers free screenings of...
Feature Fontana
Feature Fontana
Malti Se tiġi mtellgħa s-sitt edizzjoni tal-Feature Awdjoviżiv fejn fih se jiġi mxandar dokumentarju storiku dwar l-istatwa titulari tal-Qalb ta’...
Leone Goes Pop 14th Edition
Leone Goes Pop 14th Edition
Back in the year 2008, the Leone Band dared to venture where no other civic band had ever gone before:...
Xow minn Danusan ġewwa n-Nadur, Għawdex fis- 6 ta’ Mejju 7.30pm.
L-Imsallab fi Triqatna
L-Imsallab fi Triqatna
Id-dramm tal-passjoni L-Imsallab Fi Triqatna (teatru fi triq) din is-sena ser jkun Is-Sibt l-1 ta’ April 2023. Dan id-Dramm jibda...
Ġrajjietna huwa dramm kontemporarju li jitratta fuq l-passjoni reali tal-lum.
‘Klassi Ghalina vs Dragula’
‘Klassi Ghalina vs Dragula’
A Maltese Production Film: ‘Klassi Ghalina vs Dragula’ is going to be shown next month on Friday 17th March,2023 at...
Don Bosco Grand Concert 2023
Don Bosco Grand Concert 2023
Malti The Gozo Youth Wind Band & Orchestra will once again be presenting the annual Don Bosco Grand Concert. The...
Klassi Għalina The Roadshow
Klassi Għalina The Roadshow
Malti Klassi Għalina huwa prodott Malti maħluq minn Alan Cassar u nħadem ma’ dar ta’ produzzjoni “Square Wheel Ent.” Wara...