Workshops & Seminars

Gozo Speed Networking
Gozo Speed Networking
Following popular demand, MCVS is hosting its second Gozo Speed Networking event with the aim of enabling VOs to connect...
Ġenerazzjoni Futura
Ġenerazzjoni Futura
The Children’s Workshop is returning to the Munxar Parish Center for the fourth consecutive year! The workshop will run from...
Tara Lois Jewellery – Make Silver Wire Jewellery
Tara Lois Jewellery – Make Silver Wire Jewellery
Every week Tara Lois Jewellery will be organising a jewellery class, where guests will be given the opportunity to discover...
Kors Bażiku Fil-Bini Tal-Presepju
Kors Bażiku Fil-Bini Tal-Presepju
The Fontana Local Council and L-Għaqda Armar tal-Fontana, in collaboration with L-Għaqda Ħbieb Tal-Presepju Għawdex – Malta 1985, are organizing...
Tara Lois Jewellery – Make A Silver Ring
Tara Lois Jewellery – Make A Silver Ring
Every week Tara Lois Jewellery will be organising a jewellery class, where guests will be given the opportunity to discover...
Kors Tal-Bini Tal-Presepji
Kors Tal-Bini Tal-Presepji
The Nadur Local Council, in collaboration with L-Għaqda Ħbieb Tal-Presepju Għawdex – Malta 1985, are organising master class workshops on...
Gozo Speed Networking For VOs
Gozo Speed Networking For VOs
Join us for an evening of speed networking with other voluntary organisations, discover the potential of collaboration and join forces...
Right-Side Up Parenting
Right-Side Up Parenting
Welcome to Right-side up parenting in an upside down world event! In cooperation with the local council of Għarb, we...
Il-Każin Tal-Imqarbin
Il-Każin Tal-Imqarbin
Malta is a country with some of the most progressive laws around self expression, protection against hate speech, and identity.What...
Who You May Have Been – Workshop with Klonn
Who You May Have Been – Workshop with Klonn
“The clown or trickster epitomizes the paradox of the human condition and exploits the incongruity that we are creatures of...
JUM IL-ĦAJJA f’DAR ĠUŻEPPA DEBONO Fl-okkażjoni tat-38 Anniversarju mit-twaqqif tagħha Taħdita ta’ formazzjoni bit-tema: “KOLLOX TNEJN TNEJN, WIEĦED IL-MAQLUB TAL-IEĦOR”...
Hands-on Children’s Workshop: Children’s Museum
Hands-on Children’s Workshop: Children’s Museum
A Christmas-themed workshop for children. To participate, registration is required at [email protected]. Share and Enjoy ! Shares