A New Year’s Toast


Il-Kor Gaulitanus jibda mużikalment l-Ewwel tas-Sena b’kunċert. F’atmosfera li tixraq din l-okkażjoni,il-kor se jippreżenta repertorju vast u enerġetiku.Il-kor, is-solisti u kollegi tagħhom se jipparteċipawtaħt id-direzzjoni mużikali u artistika ta’ Mro ColinAttard.

Għal aktar informazzjoni kkunttatjaw [email protected] jew 7703 8971.


The Gaulitanus Choir musically ushers in the NewYear in style with a concert; a musical bonanzafittingly featuring lively and bouncy repertoire.The choir, its soloists and friends will participateunder the musical and artistic direction of MroColin Attard.

For more information contact [email protected] or 7703 8971.

Event Info

January 1, 2023 7:30 pm

Location: Kempinksi Hotel, San Lawrenz
More info: Visit website