Feel the Magic of Christmas – Concert by Chorus Urbanus


Il-Chorus Urbanus flimkien mal-Chorus Urbanus Juniors u l-Urbanus Festive Orchestra, ilkoll taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Dr John Galea, jippreżentaw dan il-karattru festiv permezz ta’ artisti, mużiċisti u vuċijiet.


Għal aktar tagħrif żuru s-sit www.chorusurbanus.com A concert offering an eclectic moment of entertainment for the whole family, enjoying the festive spirit in a magical dream world. Chorus Urbanus and the Chorus Urbanus Juniors, along with the Urbanus Festive Orchestra, under the direction of Mro Dr John Galea, always evoke the festive character with local artists, musicians and an array of voices.

For more information visit www.chorusurbanus.com

Event Info

December 18, 2022 8:00 pm

Location: St. George's Basilica
More info: Visit website