The Laudate Pueri Choir of St George’s Basilica, Victoria, is once again organising a series of activities to both commemorate the 5th anniversary of Mro Joseph Vella’s passing, as well as to celebrate the life and work of one of Gozo’s most illustrious citizens. These activities will take place between Saturday 11 February and Sunday 26 February. All activities, which include the 5th Joseph Vella Memorial Lecture delivered by Mgr Dr Joseph Farrugia, the inauguration of an exhibition entitled ‘What’s in a Bequest? The Archive of Mro Joseph Vella’, as well as two concerts, one performed by harpsichordist Joanne Camilleri and violinist Jacob Portelli, and the other one performed by the Laudate Pueri Choir who will be singing works that Mro Vella specifically wrote for the choir, are free of charge to the public.
Il-Kor Laudate Pueri tal-Bażilika ta‘ San Ġorġ fir-Rabat Għawdex, għal darb’oħra qed jorganizza sensiela t’attivitajiet biex bihom ifakkar il-ħames anniversarju mill-mewt ta’ Mro Joseph Vella, kif ukoll jiċċelebra l-ħajja u x-xogħol ta’ wieħed mill-iktar ċittadini illustri t’Għawdex. Dawn l-attivitajiet se jkunu bejn is-Sibt, 11 ta’ Frar u l-Ħadd, 26 ta’ Frar. L-attivitajiet jinkludu l-5th Joseph Vella Memorial Lecture, li din is-sena se jmexxih Mgr Dr. Joseph Farrugia; l-inawgurazzjoni ta’ esibizzjoni bit-titlu “What’s in a Bequest? The Archive of Mro Joseph Vella”; kif ukoll żewġ kunċerti: wieħed esigwit minn Joanne Camilleri (harpsichord) u Jacob Portelli (violin), u l-ieħor esigwit mill-Kor Laudate Pueri, li se jkantaw xogħlijiet miktuba apposta għalihom minn Mro Vella.