Kunċert tal-Milied / Christmas Concert


Kunċert tal-Milied taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Antoine Theuma. Dan il-kunċert isir bis-sehem tal-orkestra, il-kor tal-MUSEUM u bosta kantanti stabbiliti Għawdxin. Ikun hemm ukoll reċta qasira, qari ta’ poeżiji u l-prietka tradizzjonali tat-tifel.


A Christmas concert under the direction of Mro Antoine Theuma accompanied by the MUSEUM Choir and Gozitan singers. This event will also feature a poetry recital, a short play and the traditional child’s Christmas sermon.

Event Info

December 25, 2022 7:00 pm

Location: Basilica of St Peter & St Paul, In-Nadur
More info: Visit website