Lux Mundi


Wirja mtellgħa minn Charlon Said, Christian Magrin u Francesco Caruana li tikkonsisti f’erba’ settijiet ta’ statwi maħduma lokalment, armati fuq bradelli, bil-brazzi u l-fjuretti; is-Seba’ Kelmiet li Sidna Ġesù Kristu qal minn fuq is-Salib, kif ukoll sett ta’ Simboli; il-mixja tal-Passjoni ta’ Ġesù Kristu, li se tkun irrappreżentata minn sittax-il biċċa ta’ silhouette li huma mqassma f’xenarji: mid-daħla ta’ Ġesù f’Ġerusalemm sal-Qawmien mill-Imwiet.


An exhibition by Charlon Said, Christian Magrin and Francesco Caruana consisting of four sets of statues crafted by local artists; the Seven Last Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a set of Symbols; the Passion of Jesus Christ, which will be represented by sixteen pieces of silhouettes portraying scenarios from the Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to the Resurrection.

Exhibition dates and times below:


Event Info

March 31, 2023

Location: Triq Parisot, ix-Xagħra, Għawdex