Villaġġ tal-Milied fejn wieħed jista’ jsib bankerelli bi prodotti relatati mal-Milied, ikel u xorb, u snajja’. Wieħed se jkun jista’ jieħu ritratt ma’ Father u Mother Christmas. Isegwi programm ta’ korijiet, mużika folkloristika, karattri speċjali li janimaw ittfal, workshop ta’ Santa Klaws, crafts, u bl-akbar attrazzjoni tkun arena bis-silġ sintetiku għat-tfal, adoloxxenti u adulti.
Għal aktar informazzjoni u ħinijiet segwu l-paġna ta’ Facebook: Għarb Kunsill Lokali – Local Council.
The Christmas Village will feature a market with stalls selling food and beverage, Christmas-related items, and crafts. There will be a photo booth for photos with Father and Mother Christmas, a letterbox for Santa, choirs, folk music, special characters who will animate children, and other attractions. A special attraction will be the synthetic ice-skating arena for children, teenagers, and adults.
For opening hours and other information follow the Facebook page: Għarb Kunsill Lokali – Local Council.