Purċissjoni b’Ġesù Bambin, segwita minn kunċert annwali mill-Banda Santa Marija – li se tkun qed tesigwixxi biċċiet klassiċi u popolari – kif ukoll sinfoniji storiċi tal-Milied mill-arkivji tal-istess Banda, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Dr Joseph Grech. Dan ilkunċert se jkun ukoll imxandar live fuq il-paġna ta’ Facebook: Żebbuġ Gozo Parish.
A procession with Baby Jesus followed by a Christmas Concert – featuring classical and popular Christmas music excerpts – by the Saint Mary Philharmonic Society, under the direction of Mro Dr Joseph Grech. The concert will also serve to revive historical Christmas symphonies from the archives of the Band. This event is also going to be streamed live on the Facebook page: Żebbuġ Gozo Parish.